Sunday, February 13, 2011
Graffiti Tags DesignAlphabet Letters On Paper
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Street Art F1 Cars 3D Graffiti Design Ideas
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Worst Tattoo Sleeve Trends

Biomechanical Sleeve - Biomechanical tattooing was pioneered by tattoo artist like Aaron Cain and other tattooist in the San Francisco bay area. A breakaway from traditional style American tattooing, biomechanical uses images of the human flesh mixed with machine parts. Basically biomechanical tattoos mix organic images with inorganic images. It quickly became over used.
Flame Sleeve - No clear origins on the flame sleeve but whoever created it should be ashamed. The sleeve is not only hard to look at but is unbelievable boring for the tattoo artist. Flame tattoos are not only a waste of good skin but will also prove difficult to cover.
Random Cool Stuff Sleeve - A twist on the American style hodgepodge sleeve that is acquired over time, the random cool stuff sleeve is acquired quickly. The images often include skulls, flowers, brass knuckles, something with wings,maybe a couple of flames. A newer variation on this sleeve is to get random candy pieces or random kids toys tattooed as a sleeve.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Amazing Green Graffiti Design Ideas
Jodie Marsh Covered in Tattoos
Jodie Marsh has a boatload of tattoos on various locations of her body, including portraits of Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Michael Jackson and a woman.
Other tattoos include a tribal design on her lower back, accompanied by devil tail on her butt, a large bow on her right arm, a cross on her left wrist, dice, along with stars on her right foot and a cross above her left ankle.
She also has a few sayings and other words such as "Only God Can Judge Me" and "My Crazy Life". As well as a few other small tattoo designs here and there.

Graffiti Sketches : Graffiti Coloring Pages Design
Thursday, February 3, 2011
buda tattoos
buda tattoo
If you use these, please drop a link back to "Buddha Tattoo Pictures"!
Buddha Tattoo Design" style="border-color:#111;border-style:double
tattoo buda. tattoo indú,un buda,dios de la india.
green buddha tattoo - พระพุทธรูป - รอยสัก - arm
Tribal Buddha
Buddha Tattoo Ideas – Buddha Tattoos » best buddha tattoo
The Laughing Buddha Tattoo
Everyone do not have a stable relationship and soo i realised it is the same
Buddhist Tattoos - Buddha Tattoos
Want to know why Buddha tattoos are popular
MY BUDDHA TATTOO was done by Dana Helmuth of Solid State Tattoo.
buda tattoo
Want to know why Buddha tattoos are popular tattoo designs?
buddha tattoo design for men 5 buddha tattoo design for men
Buddha Tattoo line art
Buddha Tattoo line art

Buddha Tattoo With Flower. at 4:02 PM. Labels: Buddha Japanese Tattoo,
He flew all the way in from Anchorage Alaska just to get this tattoo,
Japanese Buddha Tattoo Pictures - vector EPS clip art is great for t-shirts,
Smiling Buddha Tattoos